Tuesday, May 27, 2008

G is for Gross Income - Retirement Planning

We continue our look at some of the important factors of a good retirement plan. This alphabetical look at what you need to know continues with a look at gross income.

In Retirement Planning, G is for Gross Income

There are very few downsides to owning a Roth IRA. Of course there is the tax advantage. After five years, the money can be withdrawn tax-free. Unlike a traditional IRA, all of the withdrawals are taxed at your regular income. (The reason for this difference is based on whether the money was taxed prior to deposit – traditional IRA deposits were a deduction from taxes whereas a Roth IRA is funded with after tax contributions.)

A traditional IRA requires you to take withdraws by age 70 ½ (actually the date is April 1st in the year following your 70 ½ birthday). A Roth does not have any such requirements, allowing you to keep the money invested until you need it – if ever. And that “if ever” allows you to pass the Roth IRA on to your heirs who, although they would be required to take distributions, would find the added income from the inherited Roth IRA would be tax-free.

While there is no guarantee that your Roth IRA will grow without set-backs – what you pick for your investments determines the portfolio’s possibilities, the ability to save more is restricted not only by age but by gross income.

Age and Income

Your contributions before you reach fifty-years-old are limited in both the Roth IRA and the traditional IRA to $5,000. But after fifty, the annual contribution jumps to $6,000 with adjustments being made thereafter based on inflation.

But gross income also plays a role in how much you can contribute. More specifically, modified gross income. If you are single, that income cannot exceed $101,000 and if you are married, filing jointly, the income limit is set at $159,000. Modified gross income is calculated using IRS publication 590 (turn to page 61) and does not include any Roth conversions you may have made in the current tax year.

What if you make too much? It is a nice problem to have but to avoid not investing at all, the IRS allows you to make non-deductible IRA contributions. Conversions have income limits as well ($100,000 a year for individual or joint filers – sorry, married filers filing separately re not allowed to convert). But hold onto the non-deductible IRA until 2010 and convert without penalty.

There are still taxes to be paid on the conversion however but they can be spread over the following years (2011 and 2012).

A is for Asset Allocation

B is for Balance

C is for Continuity

D is for Diversity

E is for (Tracking) Errors

F is for Free-Float

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article! The only thing that seems to be missing from retirement planning is longevity insurance. People don't know about this type of insurance and it helps for retirement planning. Its very popular in the UK and just starting to reach the market in the US with favorable investment results. Check this site out for information on this retirement planning annuity:
