Monday, July 5, 2010

Without a Clue about Money, Retirement and Investing

By now, most of my regular readers know what I do not like in the world of financial products. The annuity galls me (a mix of insurance and mutual funds that doesn’t do either well), the ETF (which mimics the indexed mutual fund but allows you to trade it just like a stock and pay for the privilege of trading just like a stock) and any tool that gives you the impression that you can set it and forget it.  There are others, but at the top of that list is the target-date fund.
The products are all hyped and re-hyped by the those that sell them as the easiest way to wealth.  The belief that sales people from the world of finance care about your well-being or what is known as fiduciary responsibility, may be the biggest mistake the vast majority of us make.  And the folks who make these mistakes are often wary of every other type of sales approach in every other facit of their lives.
So why, when it comes to target date funds do they simply believe the following: pick a date in the future and our mutual fund manager will adjust and readjust the underlying holdings of the account to protect your hard earned money, so, that when you retire, you will have a conservative allocation of funds that will serve you well into the future?

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